Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy systems (meridians, chakras and aura) to remove blocks. The body’s natural ability to heal itself is stimulated when these energetic blocks are removed.
We provide an energy healing modality called Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®, a form of alternative medicine. Learn more or Book a session
Sol Luna Stellae® marries our founder’s interior architecture and design experience with energy healing by developing sacred spaces in Commercial, Hospitality, Residential, and Public Spaces. Our commitment to supporting the collective ascension extends beyond design; we will cleanse and raise the frequency of these spaces monthly using distance reiki. Learn more
Un/altared® is curated to provide tools for your spiritual practice. Coming Soon
For The Family® was birthed from our founder’s deep love of her community and chosen family in Washington, DC. This line of products are a few of her favorite things, which can be enjoyed by the entire family! Coming Soon