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Energy flows through all living things – it’s literally the essence of life. This means, we are constantly receiving and radiating energy. We’ve all heard sayings like “they’re a light” or “they have bad energy.” What does that really mean? Energy falls on the spectrum of Light and Dark; not necessarily good or bad, which is often a misconception. It’s important to embrace all parts of ourselves (light and shadow) without judgement but it’s also important to understand that we attract relationships and experiences that align with our frequency. In addition, our shadows can block our evolution or propel us into a journey of discovering our authentic selves. So be inspired, as we All have the power to integrate our shadow aspects and transmute energy, using energy healing tools and operating in love and authenticity.

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy systems (meridians, chakras and aura) to remove blocks. The body’s natural ability to heal itself is stimulated when these energetic blocks are removed. Energy healing also helps align us with the wisdom of our Higher Self, Soul and the Divine/God/Universe, awakening us to our true divine nature and power. 

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, which is a type of alternative medicine, discovered by Mikao Usui in 1922. The term comes from the Japanese words “rei” meaning universal and “ki” meaning vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

Reiki practitioners are conduits between the patient and the source of the universal life force energy; the energy flows through the energy field of the practitioner and through their hands to the patient using hands-on, hands-off, and distance healing techniques.

Reiki can be used for relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief, assist in the body’s natural healing processes, and improve your overall emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being.

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki System

Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki System is a combination of Karuna Reiki® and Holy Fire® Reiki. 

Karuna Reiki® was introduced in 1995 by ICRT. Karuna is a Sanskrit word that translates to “compassionate action.” Karuna Reiki®  is defined as the Reiki of Compassion, extending compassion and love to everyone without distinction, as we are all one; and as we heal individually, we also heal the collective. 

Holy Fire® Reiki is a newer form of reiki introduced in 2014 by ICRT, which is more refined and originates from higher dimensions of consciousness. Holy Fire® Reiki is a type of reiki energy and system of reiki healing based on the Holy Fire energy, which has been active in the world since ancient times. Holy Fire® Reiki is powerful and gentle, providing purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. 

Holy Fire® Reiki has the ability to bring forth our Authentic Self, which connects directly to Source/God consciousness and possesses the awareness and power of the Universe. In turn, there is a release of our Culturally-Created Self, which is based on cultural conditioning. Holy Fire® Reiki also has the ability to heal dormant unhealed energy and the unhealed ego, which brings us to the ego’s true purpose – to be an expression of our divine nature on earth and help us fulfill our spiritual purpose in the material world. Source: International Center of Reiki Training