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Seed•ed /ˈsēdəd/ adj. connected to the constant flow of the universe; connected to the collective consciousness, divine source energy, God


Seeded was founded on August 9, 2020 in Washington, DC by Samantha Pennington, certified interior designer and Usui/Holy Fire® III World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master (left, center photos). She created Seeded to share her divine gifts with the world and honor the legacy of her Mother, Paulette, who was also a healer and an artist (right photo).

Samantha is an intuitive healer and psychic medium who channels universal energy and messages from Spirit. She is on this earth plane to fulfill a divine purpose, to help expand and elevate the consciousness of the collective. As a healer and Reiki practitioner, she assists clients by removing subconscious blocks, identifying hidden emotional pain and toxic patterns to be released, and transmuting harmful energy. This helps to align them with the wisdom of their highest self and timeline, revealing their true nature and power, and enabling them to operate from a frequency of freedom, abundance and love, if they choose. 

In addition, she designs and curates sacred spaces, altars, and tools to support the collective on their journey of awakening, remembrance, healing, and ascension.